7.2Score AAW Q In-Canal Monitor Review Marcus IEM & Earphones November 6, 2016 0The AAW Q In-Canal Monitor is a tiny single dynamic driver in-canal universal monitor, smaller than an IEM. It is...
8.1Reader's Score Noble Audio Savanna Review Marcus IEM & Earphones October 30, 2016 7This is a review of the Noble Audio Savanna, which is the direct replacement for the previous 4 balanced armature...
8.4Reader's Score Jomo Audio Jomo6 v2 Review Klaus IEM & Earphones October 23, 2016 0Disclaimer: The Jomo Audio Jomo6 v2 sent to us is a sample in exchange for our honest opinion. We thank...
7.5Reader's Score Meze Audio 11 NEO Review Michael IEM & Earphones October 16, 2016 0This is a review of the Meze Audio 11 Neo which marks the debut line of IEMs from the company...
7.6Score iBasso IT03 Review Marcus IEM & Earphones October 12, 2016 30The iBasso IT03 is the company’s new mid-range hybrid dynamic driver and dual balanced armature universal monitor. It is priced...
8Reader's Score Cayin i5 Review Marcus DAP October 9, 2016 26In this feature, we review the Cayin i5, which is a new touchscreen-capable Android 4.4 digital audio player with DSD...
CanJam Europe 2016 Report & Awards Klaus Features October 8, 2016 0So it is the 4th year of CanJam Europe and our first as a media partner with CanJam Europe. As such...
7.5Score FiiO AM3 Review Marcus DAP October 5, 2016 0The FiiO AM3 is a brand new amplifier card for the X7 DAP series and Q-series portable DAC/AMP featuring balanced...
CanJam Europe 2016 This Weekend! Marcus Features September 20, 2016 0Try hundreds of headphones at CanJam Europe 2016 This year CanJam Europe 2016 was on Sept. 24th and 25th. Way...
0 The XDP-100R DAP By Pioneer Michael DAP September 15, 2016 26Portable music players are all over the map these days. Sometimes, I just can’t figure out what the hell is...
8.5Score Final Sonorous III review Klaus Headphones September 9, 2016 1Disclaimer: The Final Sonorous III sent to us is a sample in exchange for our honest opinion. We thank the...
8.2Score Unique Melody Martian Review Marcus IEM & Earphones September 7, 2016 6The Unique Melody Martian is a special dual dynamic and balanced armature universal in-ear monitor. It is priced at $699....
8.5Reader's Score Focal Elear Review Michael Headphones September 4, 2016 48We review the Focal Elear, which is a 40mm dynamic driver circumaural headphone featuring Focal’s signature M-shaped dome tweeter. It...
8.1Reader's Score Cascadia Audio Talos Review Marcus Headphones August 31, 2016 0The Cascadia Audio Talos is a reworked T50RP Mark III planar headphone. It is one of the first properly modded...
0 The Orchestra IEM By UBSOUND Marcus IEM & Earphones August 26, 2016 0I am starting to enjoy trawling over budget gear quite a lot in 2016. More and more I am finding...
7.6Score Peachtree Audio Shift Review Marcus Portable Amps & DACs August 14, 2016 3The Peachtree Shift is a mid-fi portable Amp and DAC designed for iPods, iPhone and Apple gear as well as...
7.5Score Cowon Plenue M Review Michael DAP August 10, 2016 3It amazes me how much the tech can change, or not change at all, in the span of just two...
0 The MR2 By Pai Audio Marcus IEM & Earphones August 8, 2016 1Apparently, Pi was already registered by someone else and since “3.14159265359 Audio” didn’t exactly set the world on fire as...
8.4Score Questyle QP1R Review Smit Patel DAP July 31, 2016 21The Questyle QP1R is a unique current mode implemented digital media player featuring an in-house Linux-based operating system. It is...
8.5Score Wagnus Frosty Sheep IEM Cable review Headfonics Cables July 22, 2016 4Disclaimer: The Wagnus Frosty Sheep IEM Cable sent to us for the purposes of this review is a sample and...