8.7Reader's Score Effect Audio Eros S Review Joshua Cables July 15, 2022 2In today’s review, we test the new Effect Audio Eros S hybrid IEM cable which is the company’s flagship offering...
7.9Reader's Score Astrotec AM850 MK2 Review Kevin IEM & Earphones June 8, 2022 0This is a review of the Astrotec AM850 MK2 which is a 10mm dynamic driver in-ear monitor equipped with a...
8.4Reader's Score Xenns Mangird Tea2 Review Joshua IEM & Earphones June 6, 2022 0This is an independent review of the Xenns Mangird Tea2 which is a hybrid in-ear monitor consisting of a single...
7.9Reader's Score 7Hz Eternal Review Cheryl IEM & Earphones May 23, 2022 0This is a review of the 7Hz Eternal which is a new 14.5mm dynamic driver IEM launched in celebration of...
8Reader's Score TempoTec Sonata E35 Review Jarvin Portable Amps & DACs May 18, 2022 0This is a review of the TempoTec Sonata E35 which is a dual DAC dongle capable of up to DSD256...
7.7Reader's Score Fearless Barcelona Review Cheryl IEM & Earphones January 26, 2022 0Our review of the Fearless Barcelona, which is a dual-driver hybrid universal IEM featuring a single dynamic and single balanced...
8.3Reader's Score Dethonray Tender 1 Review James IEM & Earphones January 9, 2022 0This feature is a review of the Dethonray Tender 1 which is the company’s debut 10mm planar magnetic driver universal...
7.9Reader's Score Fearless Provence Review Cheryl IEM & Earphones January 7, 2022 0In this feature, we review the Fearless Provence which is a new triple hybrid single 10mm dynamic and dual BA...
7.8Reader's Score xDuoo TA-26 Review Michael Amplifiers January 2, 2022 5Our review of the xDuoo TA-26 is a high-powered desktop headphone tube amplifier with a dual 6N8P pre-amp and 6N5P...
Our Bang For Buck Awards For 2021 Marcus Annual Awards December 24, 2021 0It’s time for our 2021 Bang For Buck Awards, a feature we started in 2018 and continued in 2019, and...
8Reader's Score Fearless Shangri-la Review Cheryl IEM & Earphones December 5, 2021 0The Fearless Shangri-la is a universal hybrid driver IEM featuring a single dynamic driver and four balanced armature drivers. It...
Black Friday & Cyber Weekend Deals 2021 Marcus Black Friday Sales November 24, 2021 0It is Black Friday and Cyber Weekend time again on Headfonics with our annual overview of some of the best...
8.2Reader's Score 7Hz Timeless Review Cheryl IEM & Earphones November 12, 2021 10This review covers the new 7Hz Timeless which is a 14.2mm planar driver universal in-ear monitor with a double-sided array...
7.3Reader's Score Gold Planar GL12 Review Kevin IEM & Earphones October 20, 2021 0Gold Planar GL12 is a new universal IEM featuring an ultra-thin 12.5mm planar magnetic driver and replaceable filter tubes. It...
8.4Reader's Score TANSIO MIRAI Land Review Louis IEM & Earphones October 16, 2021 0TANSIO MIRAI Land is a triple tuning switch tribrid universal IEM featuring a 10mm dynamic driver, 3BA, and dual EST...
8Reader's Score HarmonicDyne Poseidon Review Jarvin Headphones October 13, 2021 1HarmonicDyne Poseidon is a new maple accented open-back headphone featuring a 50mm nickel diaphragm dynamic driver. It is priced at...
8.3Reader's Score Kiwi Ears Orchestra Review Cheryl IEM & Earphones September 11, 2021 2Cheryl reviews the Kiwi Ears Orchestra, an 8 balanced armature universal in-ear monitor and the flagship IEM in the company’s...
8Reader's Score Little Dot GYFU Review Jarvin Headphones September 10, 2021 0Little Dot GYFU is an open-back circumaural headphone with a unique triple dynamic driver design and a dual-tuning mode. It...
8Reader's Score Thieaudio Legacy 2 Review Michael IEM & Earphones August 16, 2021 3The Thieaudio Legacy 2 is a dual driver universal IEM featuring a single 10mm beryllium dynamic driver and a balanced...
7.7Reader's Score HarmonicDyne P.D.1 Review Kevin IEM & Earphones August 4, 2021 2The HarmonicDyne P.D.1 is a dual driver hybrid universal IEM featuring a 10mm dynamic driver and a 10mm planar driver....