8.3Reader's Score Oppo PM-1 Headphones Review Michael Headphones May 20, 2014 2The Oppo PM-1 is a new flagship planar magnetic headphone featuring a FEM-Optimized Magnet System. It is priced at $1099....
8.6Score MrSpeakers Alpha Dog Review Marcus Headphones May 15, 2014 7The Fostex T50RP has been out for years and years and in that time just about everyone I know has...
6.8Reader's Score Audeze LCD-3 Review Michael Headphones February 22, 2014 17This is a review of the Audeze LCD-3, which is a set of open-back planar magnetic headphones using the company’s...
The Fostex T50RP as envisioned by Zach Mehrbach Headfonics Dynamic Driver November 17, 2013 15The Fostex T50RP, with its potential to sound truly fantastic with simple modifications, has exploded in popularity in recent years....
The Mad Dog by MrSpeakers Michael Headphones September 22, 2013 11Every once and a while, the Audiophile universe manifests something that is truly worthy of praise in the highest regard....
8.2Reader's Score Hifiman HE-400 Review Marcus Headphones February 13, 2012 6The HIFIMAN HE-400 is a brand new mid-fi level open-back planar magnetic headphone with a deep bass response. It is...
8.5Reader's Score Hifiman HE-500 Review Headfonics Headphones November 27, 2011 20The HIFIMAN HE-500 is a high-end open-back planar magnetic headphone and slightly easier to drive compared to the HE6. It...
8.2Reader's Score Hifiman HE5 Review Marcus Headphones November 13, 2011 5The Hifiman HE5 is the company’s debut full-sized or circumaural open-back planar headphones. It was originally priced at around $600....
Hifiman HE4 – More fun than the HE6? Marcus Headphones June 24, 2011 0$449 from www.Head-Direct.com Technical Specifications Freqency Response: 10 to 60 KHz Impedence: 38 Ohm Efficiency: 86 DB Weight: 350 g...
8.1Score Audio Technica ATH-2 Review Headfonics $101-200 June 17, 2011 9The Audio Technica ATH-2 is an open-back orthodynamic or planar magnetic headphone first made in the 1970s with a used...
6.2Reader's Score Audeze LCD-2 Review Headfonics Headphones May 11, 2011 9This is a review of the iconic Audeze LCD-2, which is an open-back planar magnetic headphone design for home audio...
7.7Reader's Score Hifiman HE6 Review Marcus Headphones April 12, 2011 3Our review of the HIFIMAN HE6 which is the company’s new and very powerful flagship open-back planar magnetic headphones. Launched...
Audeze LCD-2 Launched Marcus Headphones April 3, 2011 0Audez’e is proud to introduce the LCD-2s designed for Recording / Mixing Engineers as reference headphones and the audiophiles and...
Flagship Shootout!: HE6, LCD-2, HD800 Marcus Dynamic Driver April 3, 2011 13The Audio Chain: iPod Classic -> Onkyo NDS1 iPod Transport -> Benchmark DAC-1 HDR -> Apex Peak HeadAmp + Apex...