8.6Reader's Score HIFIMAN HE1000 Review Marcus Headphones November 29, 2015 5The HIFIMAN HE1000 is a new flagship open-back planar magnetic headphone featuring a new type of diaphragm and external cup...
7.8Score Hifiman HE400s Review Marcus Headphones November 1, 2015 21Disclaimer: The Hifiman HE400s sent to us is a sample in exchange for our honest opinion. We thank the team...
8Reader's Score Hifiman HM-650 Review Headfonics DAP January 14, 2015 3In this review, we go in-depth on the HIFIMAN HM-650, which is the company’s latest swappable amp card-compatible digital audio...
8.2Reader's Score HIFIMAN HE400i and HE560 Review Marcus Headphones January 11, 2015 22The HE400i and HE560 are two new full-size open-back planar headphone releases from Hifiman. The retail for $499 and $899...
7.4Reader's Score Hifiman HM-700 and RE-600 Review Headfonics DAP April 4, 2014 3The HiFiMAN HM-700 is a compact 32GB flash memory DAP and the RE-600 is a single dynamic driver universal IEM....
8.2Reader's Score Hifiman HE-400 Review Marcus Headphones February 13, 2012 6The HIFIMAN HE-400 is a brand new mid-fi level open-back planar magnetic headphone with a deep bass response. It is...
8.5Reader's Score Hifiman HE-500 Review Headfonics Headphones November 27, 2011 20The HIFIMAN HE-500 is a high-end open-back planar magnetic headphone and slightly easier to drive compared to the HE6. It...
HifiMAN RE272–Fine Wine for the Ears Headfonics IEM & Earphones November 19, 2011 5I’ll just get this out of the way now. I want a pair of these. Never have I ever heard...
HiFiMAN HM-101 – Simplicity comes in a little black box Headfonics Portable Amps & DACs November 15, 2011 2In a world filled with ebony boxes churning out tunes in all sorts of forms and fashion, very few are...
8.2Reader's Score Hifiman HE5 Review Marcus Headphones November 13, 2011 5The Hifiman HE5 is the company’s debut full-sized or circumaural open-back planar headphones. It was originally priced at around $600....
Hifiman HE300 – Hifiman Goes Dynamic! Marcus Dynamic Driver September 18, 2011 9Hifiman have come a long way from their initial foray into headphones. The initial HE-5 wood edition is still one...
Headfonics Official Launch June 11th 2011 Marcus Features July 4, 2011 0Headfonics as an idea started last year with some musings on article writing from the old hacks out of www.headphiles.org...
Hifiman HE4 – More fun than the HE6? Marcus Headphones June 24, 2011 0$449 from www.Head-Direct.com Technical Specifications Freqency Response: 10 to 60 KHz Impedence: 38 Ohm Efficiency: 86 DB Weight: 350 g...
7.7Reader's Score Hifiman HE6 Review Marcus Headphones April 12, 2011 3Our review of the HIFIMAN HE6 which is the company’s new and very powerful flagship open-back planar magnetic headphones. Launched...
Flagship Shootout!: HE6, LCD-2, HD800 Marcus Dynamic Driver April 3, 2011 13The Audio Chain: iPod Classic -> Onkyo NDS1 iPod Transport -> Benchmark DAC-1 HDR -> Apex Peak HeadAmp + Apex...