Shozy Magma Review
Copyright Shozy 2022

Shozy Magma Review



With an impedance of 21Ω, the Magma is fairly easy to drive. Pairing it with my smartphone was sufficient to get comfortable listening levels to it.

Dedication audio players such as the Hidizs AP80 Pro-X, Hiby R3 Pro Saber, and Astell&Kern SE100 do enhance the overall listening experience. The 3 DAPs can power the drivers with ease.

Shozy Magma Review


The Magma would be easy to pair as its tuning does not lean heavily on one frequency. The pairing would primarily depend on user taste.

Usually, for a Balanced Armature equipped midrange region, I would pair it with a dark or warm source to help boost its mid and sub-bass region. The Hidizs AP80 Pro-X would be a good pair with the Magma, as it has a thicker lower range that puts more warmth.

However, if you feel that the Magma is lacking in the treble region, the Hiby R3 Pro is also a good option as it elevates both bass and treble regions.

If you want a more upgrade pick, a higher-end DAP would scale the capabilities of the Magma. With the Astell&Kern SE 100, the Magma sounds wider and cleaner.

Kiwi Ears Orchestra

Select Comparisons

Kiwi Ears Orchestra



The Shozy Magma has a tribrid design with a quad driver composed of 1 Dynamic Driver, 1 Balanced Armature, and 2 Electrostatic Drivers. The Orchestra on the other hand consists of 8 drivers, all with Balanced Armature.


The two IEMs appear similar in their build, a black acrylic shell with a unique face plate. The kiwi ears are simple in design, with their paint-brush-like textured design that changes color as it absorbs UV light. The Magma stays true to its model name with an orange and brown foil-like finish on its face plate.

Both shells have an ergonomic design with a 2-pin 0.78 termination. These monitors are meant to be worn ear-hook style. The cables on the Orchestra have more cores and are thicker even comparing each strand. Both cables are terminated with a straight plugged 3.5mm jack.


The lows on the Magma have more presence than the Orchestra. It goes lower, fuller, and with more power. Magma’s lows are more enjoyable with its fullness in presentation, most notably in the Jazz genre. It gives just the right depth, wherein Orchestra lacks. 

Both monitors focus on the midrange region, with the Magma having a more elevated midrange. The Orchestra is more neutral, wherein highs and lows are more on the same level as the midrange. Clean and articulate mids are also to be expected with these two IEMs.

In terms of texture and tone, the Orchestra has a warmer and thicker midrange. Although both are clear and crisp and with very little distortion, the Orchestra has smoother overall transitions, which results in a more relaxed and laid-back presentation.

Truth be told, the Magma performs relatively well for its price point. The Orchestra just has a better overall midrange presentation, which is tough to beat.

The Treble region is well extended on both monitors. Brilliance is felt with the airiness and light overall presentations. However, Orchestra has a more elevated treble. Cymbal splashes have more impact, with just the right punch. Splashes are also heard with the Magma, although faint and not at all memorable.

The soundstage of both monitors is comparable. They are wide and deep, but the Magma has more depth while Orchestra has more height. The sound on both monitors is not at all cramped, but spacious and immersive. Imaging on both monitors is also above average, with a multi-directional presentation.

1Custom XR

1Custom XR



The 1Custom XR is equipped with an 8 Balanced Armature. The unique thing about is its novel feature of the DIP Switch Settings to customize users’ preferences. The Shozy Magma on the other hand has a tri-bid design with its 1DD + 1BA + 2 EST configuration.


Both are placed in an acrylic shell with a unique face plate design. The XR has an abstract art design with a play of multiple colors with a glittery-metallic shimmer. The Magma on the other hand has a rock-like or “lava” design with its brown-orange foil-textured metallic color.

A 2 pin 0.78mm termination with an ear-hook design is found on both monitors. The cable on the Magma has fewer cores than the XR, 2 vs 4. The cable for both monitors is terminated with a 3.5mm hack, with the XR having an L jack and the Shozy having a straight jack.


The 1Custom XR has deeper and more prominent bass, although only on certain tracks. Both have enough weight and presence.

These two are IEMs are by no means bass-heavy. They have both just the right levels of sub-bass to put depth and flavor to the IEM’s tuning. Both are tuned to be easy-going, with no excessive bloat to the midrange region that might cause a muddy midrange.

Both monitors appear to have a highlight in the midrange region. Vocals and instruments are well placed, enough to be distinct and heard. It’s articulate, lush, and quite consistent with the BA timbre – a bit cold and dull.

Comparing the two, the Magma stands out with its crisp and clean presentation. Diction is more distinct, with the vocals being more pronounced and present.

The treble on both of these monitors is well extended. Cymbals are splashy and do not feel rounded. However, the presentation on the Magma is crisper and lighter, with a hint of brilliance.

Treble replication on the Shozy feels more natural and well-controlled even though both monitors have tamed trebles, a tad bit shy even. There were no treble peaks felt on both monitors, and no harshness or sharpness was felt.

The soundstage on both monitors is above average. The Shozy has a slightly wider soundstage, although they have about the same depth and height. The sound is spaced further apart. Imaging on both monitors is also impressive, with about the same impressions.

Shozy Magma Review

Our Verdict

With a tribrid quad monitor with 1DD, 1BA, and 2 EST, I was expecting a more V-shaped tuning. It turns out that the Shozy Magma is more focused on articulate mids, with an additional strength of a wide soundstage and exceptional clarity.

Of course, no monitor is perfect. It has its shortcomings as well. The treble region is lacking in presence and thickness, although this might not be a deal-breaker with some audiophiles.

This monitor would be best for audiophiles who want to have comfortable treble, focusing on a smoother and lower overall distortion. Or, it might be for someone ready to plunge into the unique blend of textures you can only really get from tribrid monitors such as these without breaking the budget. 

Shozy Magma Specifications

  • Frequency response 20Hz-20kHz
  • Impedance 21Ω@1kHz
  • Sensitivity 105dB±1dB@1kHz
  • THD+N <0.1%@1kHz
  • Connectors 78mm 2-pin


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