Bang For Buck Desktop Amplifier 2024
The previous ZEN CAN line brought nothing new to the table over the first generation, however, the ZEN CAN 3 does, delivering a noise floor level below its predecessors which makes this amp worthy of consideration at check-out time and certainly an upgrade.
Considering how good the other ZEN CAN variants are, it’s a high compliment and praise when I say that the ZEN CAN 3 is the best in the series thus far.
I could take or leave the new sound presets but the XBass+ and XSpace have me spoiled. The added future-proof xMEMS capability, and warm iFi house sound, combined with robust construction, make the iFi Audio ZEN CAN 3 an outstanding offering in this price class.
Bang For Buck Desktop DAC 2024
If you’re looking into obtaining a great-sounding all-in-one DAC amplifier without breaking the bank, something robustly built, and elegant-looking, then the iFi audio ZEN DAC 3 is an excellent choice for 2024.
It has appearance improvements and sonic improvements, plus the XBass+ feature, which is an improvement over the previously implemented TrueBass feature.
Just don’t expect massive amounts of output power. But to solve that you could always pair it with a ZEN CAN 3 to beef up the power section later on.
The series 3 lineup from iFi is turning out to be a great line of components and certainly improved versions over past iterations. The ZEN DAC 3 is a component that you can buy blindly, expect performance, and not be disappointed.
Bang For Buck DAC/Amp 2024
The HIFIMAN EF499 integrated DAC and headphone amplifier revitalizes the legacy R-2R chipsets from Philips with strong amping power and a modern, easy-to-use, streaming functionality. It sounds mellow and immersive even with demanding headphones.
If you want to experience what an R-2R DAC can do at an affordable price point, or pair a powerful amplifier with demanding headphones, and if your collection of music is mainly CD quality, the EF499 offers great value as an all-in-one entry-level DAC/amp with streaming capability.
Bang For Buck Editor’s Choice 2024
The Audeze MM-100 is Audeze’s current entry-level headphone but carries plenty of traits that Audeze, (and Manny) have been tinkering with on their higher-end offerings.
This is a high-energy set of mid-forward open-back planar headphones with an impressively transparent quality that will faithfully mirror the system it is connected to. It can scale where power is available, punch hard when needed, and sound wider with improved separation if you can switch the cable to a balanced alternative.
What it will not do is hugely increase the bass shelf similar to the DT 1770 Pro so its application in the studio will be quite different. You could argue both are complimentary tools for different purposes.
It might also disappoint audiophiles looking for huge soundstages, relaxed mids, or plenty of sub-bass presence. If you are an MM-500 fan then a lot of this might be familiar territory.
Hard to finish without mentioning that at this price point, the quality of the build is excellent. The magnesium materials and fold-flat articulation not only give a premium look but also make them a very flexible set of headphones for on-the-go.
Bang For Buck Writer’s Choice 2024 – Louis
OXIX hit the ball out of the park with the Alpha XI1 and surprisingly, I have to remind the reader that this is their first crack at this gear segment.
The Alpha XI1 is one of the best-sounding dongle DACs around or below the $200 price point in 2024.
ONIX used modern-day tech within a miniature ONIX classic Black and Gold metal chassis to make it happen. Add to that the features list and there’s not much to complain about.
Bang For Buck Writer’s Choice 2024 – James
The FiiO Q15 is an early adopter of the flagship AK4499EX solution, which separates the digital filter and delta-sigma stage from the analog DAC.
Although this deviates from the usual practice, the result is very convincing, delivering a strong transient performance and an airy presentation. The Q15’s capabilities are further enhanced and extended in Desktop mode, and it offers app-controlled PMEQ features.
Overall, the Q15 is highly feature-packed and well-built, and it does not let down in the sound department and noise control is excellent.
For those who stream from their phones in 2024, the Q15 serves as a portable powerhouse and the strong technicalities allow it to perform well with a wide range of gears.
Bang For Buck Writer’s Choice 2024 – Meldrick
The sub-$100 BTR13 is a feature-rich Bluetooth DAC/AMP with substantial power for its price, offering options like Parametric EQ, an app, and mic passthrough.
While not on par with pricier DAC/AMPs like the Artemis39 for driving power, its wired/wireless capabilities make it ideal for beginner audiophiles looking for versatility across devices in 2024.
Bang For Buck Writer’s Choice 2024 – Lynn
The FiiO TT13 is a fantastic entry-level turntable, with excellent build qualities, and construction that should keep the unit functioning for a long time. It can compete with similar-level brands right out of the box.
This is a fully automatic, ready-to-run 2024-friendly BT turntable, with the ability to be used in a more traditional HiFi manner. It does so without having to switch a button like on the LP1200 but just make sure you hook it into an AUX input after hooking up the ground and turn off BT.
You also get the accessories needed from an RCA connection cable to a remote and 45 rpm spindle disc.
Despite the TT13 being pitched as a fully functioning entry-level turntable, the sound is good enough to warrant use in good two-channel systems, especially knowing you can eventually upgrade the stylus for a modest amount.
Bang For Buck Writer’s Choice 2024 – Kurt
The AFUL Explorer is a competent and affordable hybrid driver IEM that ticks plenty of boxes, from packaging, and design, to its tuning. If you enjoy a laid-back inoffensive tuning at an affordable price then this IEM is for you.
From its quality stock tips, attractive carrying case, clean-looking cable, and stylish IEM design, the AFUL Explorer provides a good value IEM package in 2024.
Bang For Buck Writer’s Choice 2024 – Thomas
Elysian Acoustic Labs has made a competitive mid-range IEM in the Pilgrim for 2024. While it doesn’t wow in the specs with a crazy number of drivers or varied driver types, its sound signature is entertaining and performs at a very high technical level for this price point.
Their dynamic driver provides a level of performance that wouldn’t be unwelcome in a considerably more expensive earphone. The clarity, dynamic sound stage, and impressive staging qualities reward the listener.
It’s a beautiful earphone too, made from quality materials. The cable is truly spectacular as well, with some of the best noise mitigation qualities I’ve seen.
As one of the better mid-range products I’ve come across, the Pilgrim is easy to recommend and deserving of the praise it has received thus far.
Elysian Acoustic Labs Website | Effect Audio
Bang For Buck Writer’s Choice 2024 – Nihal
The ThieAudio Hype 4 is undoubtedly a competitive IEM in 2024. It offers a sound signature that is technically impressive and enjoyable. It delivers robust bass and a rich midrange, with a nice technical performance that stands out among its peers and sets a high standard for ‘musicality’.
As an upgrade from the Hype 2, the younger sibling, it offers a clear improvement, though the similar price range of the two models might be a bit confusing. Anyone considering the Hype 2 should consider the Hype 4.
Linsoul Audio Website | THIEAUDIO Website
It’s A Wrap!
That wraps it up for our 2024 Bang For Buck Gear Awards. We will have more great value gear to review in 2025 and we hope it will be a positive year for all of our readers wherever you may be.
We also hope you enjoyed listening to the gear as much as we did and as always, we want to thank the readers and companies for making this hobby so fascinating.
Thank goodness for affordable gear and being able to still find awesome stuff that punches beyond its price tag! Also, stay tuned for the Top Gear Awards for 2024 in a few day’s time to find out what the crème of the crop was this year!